Stage Coach Players Board of Directors

The Stage Coach Players organization is completely volunteer-run. Overseeing this organization is a member-elected Board of Directors. Per the organizations bylaws, the Board meets once a month, generally at the theater, and the meetings are open to the public to attend.

The Stage Coach Players Board meetings are open to the public. Email for more information.

The 2024 Board members are:

    • Laurie Hunyard, President
    • Maria L. P. Boynton, Immediate Past President
    • Tim Ball, Vice President
    • Susan Johnson, Treasurer
    • Greg Anderson, Comptroller
    • Patrick Murphy, Recording Secretary
    • Mandi Sester, Corresponding Secretary
    • Jan Kuntz, Without Portfolio
    • Darlene Hillman, Without Portfolio
    • Bernie Schuneman, Without Portfolio
    • Amanda Hirsch, Without Portfolio
    • Cortney Jo Newby, Without Portfolio

Committee Chairs

  • Alternative Projects and Performances Chair: Bonnie Miller and Scott Montavon
  • Box Office Co-Chairs: Pending
  • Building and Grounds Co-Chairs: Bernie Schuneman and Dave Pearson
  • Community Outreach Co-Chairs: Jan Kuntz, Gloria Dennison, Angela Schiola-Niemeyer
  • Costume Committee Co-Chairs: Laura Hunyard and Susan Johnson
  • Diversity and Inclusivity Chair: Pending
  • Fundraising Chair: Greg Anderson
  • Light and Sound Chair: Mark Hunyard
  • Play Reading Chair: Nika Morton
  • Marketing Chair: Tim Ball
  • Props Committee Co-Chairs: Nancy Schuneman, Sue McCue
  • Set Design Chair: Pending
  • Set Painting and Building Supplies Chair: Scott Montavon