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Complete Stage Coach Players At the Moview Virtual Cabaret Series Available

Complete “At the Movies” Virtual Cabaret Series is Now Available on the Stage Coach Players’ YouTube Channel

DEKALB, ILL., Jan. 3, 2021 — Stage Coach Players’ At the Movies Virtual Cabaret wrapped up its series on Jan. 2, 2021, with “Dreams for a New Year.” View all the episodes at the Stage Coach Players YouTube channel or select an episode below.

Episode 1: Leading Ladies  premiered Aug. 29, 2020, and features some of the best numbers from movie musicals sung by women. Performances by Kim Moorman, Hannah Wood, Monique Smith, Jyllann Torres, Jane Leopardo, Sara Pajor, Elenia Dokos, and Terri Crain Goodman.

Episode 2: Oldies but Goodies premiered Sept. 12, 2020, and features some of the best numbers from classic movie musicals sung by Dorcas Keating, Rose and Cameron Harms, Gavin Wilson, Meg McGarry, Hillary Rutten, Kevin Gum, Maria Boynton, and Ethan Rutten.

Episode 3: Sondheim vs. Webber premiered on Sept. 26, 2020, and features the best numbers from Stephen Sondheim and Andrew Llyod Webber sung by Cortney Jo Newby, Terri Crain Goodman, Abbey Thompson, Ryan Morton, Nika Morton, and Jeffrey Hall.

Episode 4: ‘Tweens, Teens, and Twenty Somethings premiered Oct. 10, 2020, and features six young performers, including Jessica Falco, Piper Schiola-Williams, Maggie Madziarczyk, Trevor McDonald, and Grace and Jane Leopardo. 

Episode 5: Villains premiered on Oct. 24, 2020, and features songs from some of the best movie villains sung by Bernie Schuneman, Sara Pajor, Lara Meidell and Isaiah Panke, Scotty Fleetwood, Shannon Becker, Jim Small and Riley Powers, and Matt Weaver.

Episode 6: Let’s Hear It for the Boys premiered Nov. 7, 2020, and features songs from leading men in movie musicals sung by Nick Bantz-Beaty, Alex Mcintyre, Kevin Gum, Steve Becker, Gegor King, Denny Vaupel, and Denny Boynton.

Episode 7: Decades of Disney premiered Nov. 21, 2020, and features Disney songs from the 1930s through today sung by Hannah Wood, Jeff Little, Deb Brubaker and Lori Williams, Andy Small, Nancy Kileen, Karla Gulke and Kristen Madden, Amanda Smothers, Trevor McDonald and Merri Bork, Todd Pope, and Sara Pajor.

Episode 8: Robbed premiered Dec. 5, 2020, and features some of the greatest movie musical songs that didn’t win a statue sung by Janette Jacobs, Dave Watson, Ethan Rutten, Dave Wester, Keely Smith, Cortney Jo Newby, Jon and Mary Hawkins, and Nika Morton.

Episode 9: Happy Holidays premiered Dec. 19, 2020, and features holiday classics from movie musicals sung by John Feken, Kaitlyn Jacobson, Abi Mogge, Emily Keiner,  Cheri Heinz, Sarah Morton, Cortney Jo Newby, Sara Pajor, and Nika Morton.

Episode 10: Dreams for the New Year premiered Jan. 2, 2021, and features selections of songs from movie musicals sung by Sara Pajor, Pablo Suarez, Elenia Dokos, Nika Morton, Kim Moorman, Sara Pajor, Terri Crain Goodman, Cortney Jo Newby, Jyllann Torress, Grace Leopardo, Deb Brubaker, Elenia Dokos, Ryan Morton, Kevin Gum, Pablo Suarez, Trevor MCDeonald, Andy Small and Jim Small, Jyllann Torres, Kim Moorman, Piper Schiola-Williams and Maggie Madziarczyk, Ryan Morton, Kevin Gum, Dorcas Keating, Matt Weaver, Kim Moorman, and Nika Morton.